One of the most dramatic and controversial events in the life of Jesus was His cleansing of the temple. This was not a mild or gentle act, but a bold and confrontational one. Jesus deliberately challenged the Jewish leaders and their corrupt practices in the temple, which was supposed to be a house of prayer for all nations (Mark 11:17).

Why did Jesus do this? What was His purpose and motivation? And what does this event teach us about who Jesus is and what He expects from us?

First, Jesus cleansed the temple out of zeal for God’s glory. He was passionate about honoring His Father and restoring the true worship of God. He could not tolerate the desecration and distortion of God’s holy place by those who turned it into a den of robbers (Mark 11:17). He was fulfilling the prophecy of Psalm 69:9, which says, “Zeal for your house will consume me” (John 2:17). Jesus showed us that He is the Son of God, who loves His Father and defends His honor.

Second, Jesus cleansed the temple out of compassion for God’s people. He was not only angry, but also grieved by the injustice and oppression that the Jewish leaders inflicted on the poor and the Gentiles who came to worship God. He was not against the temple system itself, which was ordained by God, but against the abuse and exploitation of it by the human authorities. He wanted to free the people from the bondage of legalism and ritualism, and to invite them to a personal and spiritual relationship with God. He showed us that He is the Messiah, who cares for His people and brings them salvation.

Third, Jesus cleansed the temple out of authority from God’s word. He was not acting on His own impulse or opinion, but on the basis of the Scriptures. He quoted from Isaiah 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11, which both speak of God’s purpose and judgment for the temple. He also predicted His own death and resurrection, which would be the ultimate fulfillment of the temple’s symbolism (John 2:19-22). He showed us that He is the Word of God, who fulfills and reveals God’s will and plan.

There is much to learn from Jesus’ temple action.

We need to examine our own hearts and see if there is anything that dishonors God or hinders our worship of God. We need to repent of any sin or idolatry that defiles our conscience or distracts our devotion. We need to remember that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in us and sanctifies us (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

We need to express our love and gratitude to God for sending the Son to cleanse us from our sins and to reconcile to God. We need to worship God in spirit and truth, not in mere formality or hypocrisy. We need to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, which is our true and proper worship (Romans 12:1).

We need to follow the example and command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything He has commanded us (Matthew 28:19-20). We need to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him, and to welcome them into the family of God. We need to be a light to the world and a salt to the earth, showing God’s glory and grace to all people (Matthew 5:13-16).



Dear Heavenly Father, We praise You for Your holiness and majesty. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You dwell in unapproachable light, and yet You have made a way for us to come near to You through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

We thank You for sending Jesus to cleanse the temple and to reveal Your glory and grace. We thank You for His zeal, compassion, and authority. We thank You for His death and resurrection, which have opened the door of salvation for us.

We confess that we have often dishonored You and hindered our worship of You. We have allowed sin and idolatry to defile our hearts and minds. We have followed the traditions and opinions of men rather than the truth and commands of Your word. We have neglected the mission and ministry that You have entrusted to us.

We ask You to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We ask You to fill us with Your Holy Spirit and to renew our minds and hearts. We ask You to help us to worship You in spirit and truth, and to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to You. We ask You to empower us to make disciples of all nations and to shine Your light and salt to the world.

We pray all these things in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Amen.