Disease, fire and major water disasters (hurricanes, typhoons, flooding and water contamination crisis’s) have disrupted and destroyed lives and livelihoods in Africa (Ebola and Sierra Leone), the Philippines and in the Americas. God is concerned about what happens “here” and “there”. Seek the Lord’s guidance about your response for supporting disaster response, relief and recovery. Lott Carey is available to be one of your trusted partners to touch lives with transforming love during regional and national disasters.
Lott Carey’s motto “Helping People Rise Again” has been genuinely enacted over and over again with great success, as countless lives have been restored during very difficult times. In collaboration with partner’s organizations, Lott Carey has been active in responding to the following disasters:
- Hurricane Rita – September 2005
- Hurricane Gustav – August 2008
- Hurricane Ike – September 2008
- Haiti Earthquake – January 2010
- BP Oil Spill – April 2010
- Super storm Sandy 2012
- Florida Flooding 2015
- Haiti Mudslide – August 2015
- Philippines Typhoon 2016
- Louisiana Flooding 2016
- Texas Flooding 2016
- South Carolina Flooding 2016
- Hurricane Matthew – September 2016
- Sierra Leone Mudslide 2017
- Hurricane Harvey – August 2017
- Hurricane Irma – September 2017
- Hurricane Maria – September 2017
- Hurricane Florence – September 2018
- Hurricane Michael – October 2018
- California Camp Fire – November 2018
- Hurricane Dorian – September 2019
As disasters become more frequent and stronger, there is a need for prayer, participation and sustained attention. As you pray for grace for the journey of people, churches and communities to recover, please seek guidance for your generous response.
Lott Carey works in collaboration with partners who “aim for the margins”. All disasters result in some people not being able to access resources and negotiate systems. They need our action and advocacy to ensure, as much as is possible, that none go without.
Lott Carey – NBCA and the American Red Cross have a national agreement to partner in preparation for response to , and support the recovery of local, regional and national disasters. We identified four (4) ways to help churches build more resilient communities and to help individuals and families prepare for and respond to disasters. The Lott Carey Disaster – NBCA Services Network is prioritizing the following areas of collaboration.
Volunteer Participation – Recruit individuals and churches to be able to respond to local, regional and national disasters as: disaster action team members, community engagement partnership, shelter workers, case managers, spiritual care workers and etc.
Click here to register as a volunteer.
Household and Community Preparedness – Preparing for disasters before they occur is critical. (1) Download American Red Cross Preparedness Mobile Apps here. (2) ‘Be Red Cross Ready’. Build a Kit, Make a Plan, and Be Informed, form more details, click here. (3) Help reduce fire fatalities by joining the Home Fire Preparedness Campaign designed to reduce deaths and injuries caused by home fires. Contact us to organize your community outreach or click here to join local initiatives; and, 4) Use of Facilities – When disasters strike, local churches are needed to support the needs of the community. Lott Carey is able to work with churches to form agreements for the potential use of church facilities to support Red Cross Disaster responses (i.e. as a shelter for food and material distribution and/or for emergency stays).
Blood Program Support – GIVING BLOOD SAVES LIVES. Lott Carey recruits churches to Host a blood drives in collaboration with congregational and/or community partners. Individuals can also donate blood, click here for more information.
For more information on how we can help you to serve, contact:
Takeshia Klu, Program Coordinator Disaster Services, tklu@lottcarey.org 301-429-3300 ext.20
You can give in the following ways:
Via mail to: Lott Carey, c/o Disaster Services, 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1245, Landover, MD 20721.
Via PayPal, click here, designate: Disaster Services.
Via Givelify at here. or download the app and select Lott Carey in Hyattsville, MD in the Charities Section
Via Text: text lottcarey to the number 20222 to support disaster survivors. A one time donation of $10.00 will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. Donor must be age 18+ and all donations must be authorized by the account holder (e.g. parents). By texting YES, the user agrees to the terms and conditions. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. Service is available on most carriers. Donations are collected for the benefit of “Lott Carey” by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found at www.hmgf.org/t. Message & Data Rates May Apply. You can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP to the original short code; text HELP for help. Privacy Policy.

Hurricane Laura Destruction, Hope Center, Lake Charles, LA. [photo credit: Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr.]
Over 2 million people have been displaced by Hurricane Laura, many of them are without electricity, running water, or functioning sewage systems. As soon as our partners complete assessments to determine their needs, we will provide details of how you can help support the disaster.
In the meantime, please share the resources below with family and friends impacted by Laura. Also, state and federal officials are encouraging affected Louisiana and Texas residents, regardless of whether they are homeowners or renters, to register immediately for disaster assistance with FEMA and their state government.
Louisiana Resources
Texas Resources
FEMA Virtual Inspections During COVID-19

““Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.””

8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1245, Landover, MD 20785 • 301.429.3300