31 Days of Prayer Kickoff Service

31 Days of Prayer Kickoff Service



In 2022, the WISE leadership team is calling everyone to get involved in five ways:

  1. Pausing to increase awareness about the intersectionality of sexism and racism.
  2. Praying to end structural gendered racism fueling violence against women.
  3. Pledging your support for the Lott Carey WISE social media campaign, Thursdays in Black, in partnership with the World Council of Churches and the Ecumenical Women at the United Nations.
  4. Posting your selfies on various social media platforms on Thursdays, dressed in black, standing in solidarity with women victimized by gender-based violence.
  5. Participating each morning on the 31 Days of Prayer call. We invite 100 prayer warriors to invite 10 prayer warriors to join the 6AM call. You do the math, 1000 seasoned saints called and committed to give $31.00 or more supporting women’s empowerment.
What a powerful statement we would make commemorating the Reverend Lott Cary’s Bicentennial Anniversary and the Tenth Anniversary of the Prayer Guide, supporting women and girls victimized by gendered racism and gender based violence.


Lott Carey is Praying for Nigeria

Pray for Nigeria

All are invited to join us in prayer for Nigeria and our partners in the West African nation.
Lott Carey projects in Nigeria include:

  • Support for more than 80 churches, pastors, and community ministries
  • Six primary and secondary schools

Since our mission field here is engaged in evangelical, educational and people empowerment programs, there will always be opportunities for interested individuals or groups to get involved.”
–Kenneth C. Ebong, Lott Carey Baptist Mission, Nigeria


We pray for:
Lott Carey Mission Partners
§ Lott Carey Baptist Mission, Nigeria

The churches, people, and government of Nigeria

We are thankful:

  • That through it all — COVID-19 disruption, economic hardship and the apparent rise of violence and insecurity in the country — God is working through our Mission here in Nigeria.
  • For all the churches and persons who continue to be Lott Carey’s helpers; who, despite the global unsettling health situation, continue to be faithful to the call to reach out across the USA, and the world

We praise God:

  • For the impact of our schools on host communities, such as the construction of new apartment homes and small retail shops
  • For the Women in Service Everywhere Micro-loan Scheme that helped an additional 20 women in their small businesses
  • That Nigeria has not been as badly affected by Covid-19 as feared

We pray for:

  • The peace of Nigeria; for the first time since the mid-sixties, Nigeria is on the edge of civil war
  • The safety of pastors, who are sometimes attacked as they travel to fulfill their calling and mission
  • Our schools, and the safety of students from abduction, an increasing occurrence in Nigeria

From Rev. Kenneth C. Ebong
Superintendent, Lott Carey Baptist Mission, Nigeria

MLK Day Statement by Dr Gina M Stewart, Lott Carey President

Preserving the Legacy

“But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”

Amos 5:24


Today is the federal holiday that honors the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., drum major for justice and civil rights movement leader. Dr. King put his life on the line time after time in the struggle for social, racial, and economic justice.

What we are witnessing today is not the democracy Dr. King marched, went to jail, and fought for. Over the past year, we’ve seen countless laws and bills drawn up by state legislators that restrict access to the ballot box for millions of Americans. These enacted and proposed laws include vote-by-mail restrictions, restrictions on early voting, and broader authority for purges of voter rolls. An often-cited reason for these bills and laws is voter fraud, yet voter fraud is extremely rare. Unfortunately, these laws disproportionately undermine the ability of people of color to vote.

Voter rights and voter protections are the cornerstones of our democracy and the fundamental rights upon which all our civil liberties rest. The fight to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Freedom to Vote Act, and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act is critical to ensuring that access to the ballot box, especially for African Americans, is not restricted.

 As a pastor and faith leader, I am committed to honoring the legacy of our social justice heroes who fought so vigorously and valiantly to expand and protect voting rights. The right to vote is not a partisan issue; it is the basis of our entire democracy. The 15th Amendment to the Constitution guarantees our right to vote regardless of race or creed. Until we have equal access to the ballot, we cannot make progress on any other issue. Making progress on climate change policy, canceling student debt, protecting the rights of women, criminal justice reform, etc., all start with ensuring that every American can have their ballot cast safely, conveniently, and equally. But when leaders fight against our right to vote, we risk losing the voices of countless citizens and potential voters — especially Black, brown, and poor individuals who are often most disenfranchised.

We need Congress to act swiftly and decisively to defend our democracy by protecting voting rights. We have witnessed the changing of the rules to raise the debt ceiling, proving it can be done for voting rights. From Tuesday, January 18, 2022, to Friday, January 21, 2022, I am inviting you to join the NAACP, the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, and faith partners in making 50,000 points of contact to U.S. Senators via phone call, tweet, or email. Click this link to easily contact your senator now and demand that they vote “Yes” to voting rights. Dr. King’s legacy left our nation with the blueprint to make social and structural change to benefit all people. Let’s do our part to preserve it.


Fighting Forward,

Dr. Gina M. Stewart, President
Lott Carey

Lott Carey is Praying for Kenya

Lott Carey is Praying for Kenya

Pray for Kenya

All are invited to join us in prayer for Liberia and our partners in the East African nation.
Lott Carey projects in Kenya include:

  • Support for churches, pastors, and community ministries
  • Medical supplies for the Kipsitet Medical Center
  • Tribal mediation

We have numerous challenges in our work in Kenya. Many of our pastors have not attended formal Bible seminaries. Many are semi-illiterate. Our vision is to set-up a vocational Bible institute at our Koitaburot church plot so as to give these pastors basic biblical knowledge.
–Hezron K. Cheruiyot, Superintendent
Lott Carey Baptist Ministries, Kenya-South Sudan


We pray for:
Lott Carey Mission Partners
§ Lott Carey Baptist Ministries, Kenya-South Sudan

The churches, people, and government of Kenya

We are thankful for:

  • The continued love and support of the global Lott Carey family for your prayer, moral and financial support
  • Our work in evangelism, church planting, the provision of medicine, the widows’ program, agriculture, education and advocacy

We praise God for:

  • The two-acre farm that lifted many in our neighborhood from depravation
  • Members who benefited from coffee proceeds
  • For sustaining our sister ministry in Sor, South Sudan

We pray for:

  • Support for orphans in school fees or school supplies
  • Support for our widows
  • Construction of semi-permanent churches
  • Construction of a vocational Bible institute on the Koitaburot church plot
  • Digging of wells
  • Purchase of another five acres for coffee
  • Purchase of four motorcycles and 20 bicycles for our pastors and laymen

Expansion of our church work in Bor, South Sudan

Lott Carey to Support Tornado Victims

Lott Carey to Support Tornado Victims

Lott Carey to Support Tornado Victims

Lott Carey has committed to support communities affected by tornadoes in the Southern United States and the Ohio Valley on December 10 and 11.

Dozens of lives were lost, hundreds of persons have been displaced, and entire communities were devastated.

Affected states include Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee.

“News of this disaster has brought heartbreak to all of us, especially in this season of Advent,” said Lott Carey Executive Secretary-Treasurer Emmett Dunn.

“As people of faith, we pray for those who lost loved ones, homes, properties and livelihoods.”

Rev. Dunn is calling on the Lott Carey family and supporters to make financial donations to assist families affected by the disaster.

“I appeal to churches, institutions, organizations and persons of goodwill to join Lott Carey in bringing relief, comfort, and hope to those in need.”

Lott Carey will work with other partners, including the national Baptist conventions, to offer comfort and bring relief.

Donations may be made at https://lottcareyorg/donate.
For additional information, email lottcarey@lottcarey.org

Lott Carey is Praying for Liberia

Lott Carey is Praying for Liberia

Pray for Liberia

All are invited to join us in prayer for Liberia and our partners in the West African nation.
Lott Carey projects in Liberia include:

  • Education
  • Hunger Relief

Lott Carey has maintained a significant and
enviable presence here in Liberia for well over
a century by building an educational institution
which provides the very best quality education
in a nurturing and wholesome environment.

–Emile Sam Peale, Superintendent and Principal
Lott Carey Baptist Mission Schools, Liberia

We pray for:
Lott Carey Mission Partners
§ Lott Carey Baptist Mission Schools, Liberia
The churches, people, and government of Liberia

We are thankful for:

  • another school year that commenced on November 1, 2021
  • our students, teachers and staff returning to campus safely and in good health
  • the Global Lott Carey family for your love, prayers and sustained support over the years

We praise God:

  • for a total number of 550 students on both campuses (Bopolu & Brewerville)
  • that our students are eager to learn
  • for our teachers who are excited about teaching
  • for the opportunity to present the gospel of Christ to all of our students through daily morning devotions before classes start each day

We pray that:

  • everyone will be safe traveling to and from work/school daily
  • families of students and staff will have their financial needs met during these times of economic hardship in Liberia
  • our school will continue to receive financial support through grants, scholarships for students, donations of educational supplies and materials
  • we will be surrounded with prayer support as we deal with legal issues relating to the illegal encroachment of our school property
  • that these legal matters will be settled as soon as possible
  • our agriculture farm will grow and have bountiful harvest of our various crops to generate income to support our school, as well as provide training for our students

Submitted by Emile Sam Peale