About our leadership
Bro. Gregory L. Gabriel
Men on Mission Team Leader
A member of New Prospect Baptist Church 8395 Azalea Rd Sherrill’s Ford NC 28673 where Pastor Jarvis Saner is the Pastor. I have served on Usher Board, Superintendent of Sunday School, VBS Teacher and Director, Director of Childrens church, I am on the Deacons ministry where I serve as Chair. President of our church Laymen’s league. In the General Baptist Convention NC I served as 2nd,3rd, and 4th vice president of the State Laymens league. I was Study Chairman and Conducted men’s workshops across the state. Served as Camp Director of the state Laymen’s Men and Boys Retreat for 12 years. In the community I have served on the advisory board for Catawba Valley community college, was a Boy scout leader and Committee Chairman for Lakeland District Pack 327. I attend college and received my Associate of Science degree in Electro Mechanical technologies
from Catawba Valley Technical College and have worked 39 years at Duke Energy at McGuire Nuclear Station as an I&C specialist Tech III . I am Married to the lovely Sheila HR Gabriel for the las t 33 years and have 3 children Chris 25 Andrew 23 and Weddie 18. We are Blessed to be Guardians of Zy’Keel Connor 6 and have a Grandson Krishon 2 and and granddaughter Luna Rose 1 month . I have always been a part of the Lott Carey Family. We were awarded Lott Carey family of the year in 1973. I started attending the youth seminar when I was 13. Ihave helped Men on missions in New Jersey repair homes devastated by Hurricanes, served in Red Cross shelters, Give numeous times to Blood give ins. Help build homes for Habitat thru Lott Carey. Packed meals for the hungry in Places like Liberia and Haiti. Supported Lott Carey financially to help those in other Nations. Traveled to Flint to give out Water . Have served as Lott Carey’s Men on Missions as Short Term Missions Leader, Recruitment Leader, and Short Term Special Projects Leader . I am honored to be chosen as your
Men on Missions Team Leader and will do whatever is needed to Reach other men to build relationships across the world. To help identify what men and young need to be better Men, Fathers Leaders and missionaries . I am Excited and just believe together we can help others know God as we engage Remember Matthew 28.
God Bless you all,
Greg Gabriel

8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 1245, Landover, MD 20785 • 301.429.3300