by Eron Henry | Mar 11, 2025 | Lent 2025
During Jesus’ time, people had diverse expectations of the Messiah. Some anticipated a political leader who would overthrow Roman rule, while others awaited a prophet like Moses or a royal descendant of David. Even those in positions of religious authority struggled to understand who Jesus was.
Jesus performed miracles and taught with authority, yet He often instructed people not to disclose His identity to avoid being misunderstood as a political leader. Even His family thought He was out of His mind, and many could not reconcile the idea of a suffering Messiah with their expectations of a powerful leader.
Jesus’ own followers sometimes struggled with His teachings. The disciples did not always understand the parables He told, and there was confusion and uncertainty even among those who followed Him closely. Some Jewish leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy and sought to execute Him, viewing His teachings as a threat to their authority and traditions. Public debate raged about whether Jesus was a prophet, and His claim to be the Messiah challenged the established religious order.
Jesus faced rejection in His own hometown, where some people even wanted to throw Him off a cliff. The public nature of His crucifixion served as a warning against challenging Roman authority. Many saw Jesus as a false prophet, and the perception of him during His life was far from unanimous.
We are reminded of the importance of recognizing Jesus for who He truly is. Are we open to understanding His mission of love, sacrifice, and redemption, even when it challenges our preconceived notions?
Let us pray for the grace to see Jesus with clear eyes and open hearts, embracing the true nature of His mission and the profound love He offers to each of us.
Dear Lord Jesus, whose wisdom surpasses our understanding, we come before You with hearts seeking clarity and eyes yearning to truly see.
We reflect on Your time on earth when expectations and preconceptions clouded the vision of so many. They looked for a king, a warrior, a political savior, and struggled to recognize the humble servant, the suffering Messiah, the embodiment of love.
We acknowledge our own tendencies to shape You in our image, to fit You into our preconceived notions of power and glory. Forgive us when we cling to our own understanding, when we resist the truth that challenges our comfort and disrupts our expectations.
Just as the disciples struggled to grasp the depth of Your parables and the purpose of Your sacrifice, we too find ourselves lost in confusion and doubt. Grant us, O Lord, the grace to see beyond the surface, to penetrate the veil of our own biases and fears.
Open our hearts to receive the message of Your love, a love that transcends earthly power and embraces the broken and the lost. Help us to understand that true strength lies in humility, and that true victory is found in sacrifice.
We pray for the courage to follow You, even when it means facing rejection and misunderstanding. Grant us the discernment to distinguish between the fleeting promises of the world and the eternal truth of Your kingdom.
May we not repeat the mistakes of those who saw You as a threat, but rather embrace You as the ultimate expression of love and redemption. Let us recognize You not as a political figure, but as the Savior who offers us forgiveness, healing, and eternal life.
Lord, help us to see You with clear eyes and open hearts, to understand Your mission of love, sacrifice, and redemption. May we embrace the true nature of Your mission and the profound love You offer to each of us.
It is in Your name, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we pray.
by Eron Henry | Mar 10, 2025 | Lent 2025
The tension between the demands of earthly rulers and the call to follow Jesus is a recurring theme throughout scripture. Followers of Jesus are called to be subject to rulers and authorities, and to be obedient and ready for every good work. However, this submission is not absolute. When earthly laws or commands contradict God’s will, believers are compelled to prioritize their obedience to God. The apostles themselves demonstrated this when they declared in Acts 5:29, “We must obey God rather than people”. This principle of conditional obedience highlights that allegiance to God stands above all earthly powers.
The call to follow Jesus also involves a commitment to a different kind of kingdom, one not of this world. This kingdom is characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Followers of Jesus are called to conduct themselves with wisdom toward outsiders. They are called to live as free people, not using their freedom as a pretext for evil, but as slaves of God, and not to be partakers with those who are disobedient. They are called to be the light of the world. This means that their values and priorities may often clash with those of the world, including those in positions of power. They are called to love their neighbors as themselves, and to act in deed and truth. This can result in tension with those who prioritize worldly power and self-interest over these higher values.
Following Jesus can involve suffering and persecution. Jesus himself was rejected by those in power and ultimately crucified. His followers are warned that they may face similar opposition. They are to expect that the world may hate them, but they are called to endure and to resist evil. This is because the world system is in opposition to the ways of God. Even in the face of such persecution, the emphasis is to maintain good conduct among non-Christians, and not to repay evil for evil. The example of Jesus’s life, including His death, becomes the example for believers to follow.
We are to examine the ways that we may be tempted to prioritize worldly power or approval over our allegiance to God; to live out our faith in a way that challenges injustice and promotes the values of God’s kingdom; to reflect on how we might respond if our faith puts us at odds with worldly authorities; to be alert and sober; and to resist evil.
By committing ourselves to living with a primary allegiance to God, we can become a true threat to the powers that seek to dominate the world and live into the freedom that Christ offers to all and contribute to the transformation of our world into one that reflects the love and justice of God.
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts full of gratitude and reverence. We acknowledge Your sovereignty over all creation and recognize that our ultimate allegiance belongs to You alone.
Lord, we live in a world where the demands of earthly rulers and authorities often conflict with Your divine will. Grant us the wisdom and discernment to navigate these tensions with grace and integrity. Help us to be obedient to those in authority, as Your Word instructs, but never at the expense of our commitment to You.
Just as the apostles declared, “We must obey God rather than people,” we too affirm our unwavering loyalty to You. Strengthen our resolve to prioritize Your commands above all else, even when it means standing against the tide of popular opinion or facing opposition.
We are called to be citizens of a different kingdom, one characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Empower us to live out these values in our daily lives, conducting ourselves with wisdom and love toward all people. May we be the light of the world, reflecting Your truth and grace in every interaction.
Lord, we know that following Jesus may bring suffering and persecution, just as it did for Him. Prepare our hearts to endure such trials with steadfast faith, never repaying evil for evil but always responding with love and good conduct. Let the example of Jesus’ life and sacrifice be our guide and inspiration.
Help us to examine our hearts and recognize any ways we may be tempted to seek worldly power or approval over our allegiance to You. Give us the courage to challenge injustice and promote the values of Your kingdom, even when it puts us at odds with worldly authorities.
Keep us alert and sober, resisting the evil that seeks to undermine our faith. By Your Spirit, empower us to live in the freedom that Christ offers, contributing to the transformation of our world into one that reflects Your love and justice.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
by Eron Henry | Mar 9, 2025 | Lent 2025
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can, and hate cannot drive out hate, only love can. Darkness and hate, being inherently destructive forces, cannot overcome similar forces. The futility of using darkness to fight darkness is clear, as it only results in more darkness, and similarly hate only begets more hate, creating a cycle of negativity and destruction.
The concept of light, in contrast to darkness, is associated with truth, understanding, and goodness. Light is a powerful symbol of hope and guidance, and it is only through the light that darkness is dispelled. The “true light” is already shining, and it illuminates the way for us to see and understand, showing us the path we should follow. We are called to live in this light and to reject the darkness. We are also called to be the “light of the world” to others.
Love is the only force capable of overcoming hate, as love is patient and forgiving towards the offenses of others. Love is a powerful force for good and is not merely a feeling but a commitment to act, expressed in deed and truth, not just with words or with the tongue. This love is not limited to those who are easy to love, but it extends to all people.
Jesus commands us to love, a fervent love that cover a multitude of sins. The love we are called to embody reflects Christ’s own love, which was demonstrated through His sacrificial death on the cross. We are called to follow His example by loving one another in the same way that He loved us, including being willing to lay down our lives for our friends.
This is a time to recognize the darkness in the world and in ourselves, and to seek the light that comes from Christ. It is a time to confront the hate in the world and in our hearts, and to choose love instead. It is a call to actively participate in the work of love and light, by being compassionate, forgiving, and generous, just as Christ was. We are also called to examine our own lives to make sure that we are not contributing to the darkness or the hatred.
Heavenly Father,
We come before You, acknowledging the darkness and hate that exist in the world and within our own hearts. We recognize that darkness cannot drive out darkness, and hate cannot drive out hate. Only Your light and love can overcome these destructive forces.
Lord, we thank You for the true light that is already shining, illuminating our path and guiding us towards truth, understanding, and goodness. Help us to live in this light, rejecting the darkness and embracing the hope and guidance that come from You. May we be the light of the world, reflecting Your love and truth to others.
Teach us to love as Christ loved us, with a love that is patient, forgiving, and self-sacrificial. Let our love be expressed in deeds and truth, not just in words. Empower us to actively care for others, meeting their needs and pursuing their well-being. Help us to extend this love to all people, even those who are difficult to love.
As we confront the hate in the world and in our hearts, give us the strength to choose love instead. May we be compassionate, forgiving, and generous, just as Christ was. Help us to examine our own lives and ensure that we are not contributing to the darkness or hatred.
We seek Your light to dispel the darkness within us and around us. Transform us through Your love, so that we may grow in our faith and become more like Christ. Let our lives reflect Your love and grace, and may we bring glory to Your name in all that we do.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
by Eron Henry | Mar 8, 2025 | Lent 2025
The distinction between salvation and vocation is critical for understanding the Christian life, and how we respond to the call to love is a key aspect of this. Salvation is a gift of God’s grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ, not as a result of works. It is not something that we earn, but something we receive freely. Vocation, however, is our calling to live out the implications of that salvation. This call includes obedience to God’s commandments, and particularly the commandment to love one another.
The commandment to love is not a new requirement for salvation but the defining characteristic of those who have already received salvation. The love commandment is to love others as Christ loved us. This love is not merely a feeling, but a concrete action. It involves actively caring for others, meeting their needs, and pursuing their well-being. Those who do not love their brothers and sisters show that they do not have the love of God in them. Love is expressed in deed and truth, not just with words or with the tongue. It is a matter of practical action and self-sacrificial service.
When we understand obedience to the love commandment as our vocation, we see that it is not a burden but a privilege. It is not about trying to earn God’s favor, but about participating in God’s work of transforming the world through love. The love that we are called to embody is a reflection of Christ’s own love, which was demonstrated through his sacrificial death on the cross. We are called to follow his example by loving one another in the same way that he loved us, including being willing to lay down our lives for our friends.
The call to love is not limited to those who are easy to love, but extends to all people. It requires that we confront injustice, and show compassion and mercy, while rejecting hatred, envy, and strife. This is a challenging and transforming vocation. By embracing our vocation to love, we grow in our faith and become more like Christ, and participate in the work of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Gracious God,
We thank You for the precious gift of salvation, freely given through faith in Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that it is not by our works, but by Your grace that we are saved. Help us to fully embrace this gift and to live out its implications in our daily lives.
Lord, we recognize our vocation to love one another as Christ loved us. This commandment is not a burden, but a privilege and a calling to participate in Your work of transforming the world through love. Teach us to actively care for others, to meet their needs, and to pursue their well-being with genuine compassion.
May our love be expressed in deed and truth, not just with words. Empower us to serve selflessly, following the example of Christ who laid down His life for us. Let our actions reflect Your love, and may we be willing to lay down our lives for our friends.
Help us to extend this love to all people, even those who are difficult to love. Give us the courage to confront injustice, to show compassion and mercy, and to reject hatred, envy, and strife. Transform us through this challenging vocation, so that we may grow in our faith and become more like Christ.
As we embrace our calling to love, may we participate in the work of Your Kingdom here on earth. Let our lives be a testament to Your love and grace, and may we bring glory to Your name in all that we do.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
by Eron Henry | Mar 7, 2025 | Lent 2025
Someone once said that by faith we live in the past, by hope we live in the future, but by love we live in the present.
Faith connects us to the past, reminding us of God’s faithfulness throughout history, particularly in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This faith is not merely intellectual assent but a deep trust in God’s promises and actions in the past, giving us a foundation for the present. Faith allows us to learn from those who came before us and to imitate their perseverance. Remembering that we have been ransomed from a meaningless existence by Christ’s blood should inspire us to live in reverence. We have a “great cloud of witnesses” and can see how those who have gone before us have demonstrated their love for God.
Hope directs us toward the future, motivating us to persevere amidst present challenges. The hope of the Christian is centered on the return of Christ and the promise of eternal life, which purifies and transforms our current lives. This hope is not wishful thinking but a confident expectation based on God’s faithfulness, and it compels us to live righteously, in anticipation of the grace that will be brought to us when Jesus Christ is revealed. Hope also inspires us to seek the things above, to set our minds on heavenly matters, and to put to death the earthly desires within us.
Love, however, is the virtue that grounds us in the present moment, as love is the fulfillment of the law. It calls us to engage with the world and with others, reflecting God’s love in our actions. Love is not simply a feeling but a commitment to serve others and to meet their needs. Loving others as Christ loves us is a new commandment and a mark of being a disciple of Jesus. This love requires us to be compassionate, forgiving, and generous. This love should be without complaining, fervent, and covering a multitude of sins. Love is the driving motivation behind all actions, and it is the most important virtue.
This Lenten season is a time to examine the balance of faith, hope, and love in our lives.
- Are we rooted in the faith that recognizes God’s faithfulness in the past, and are we learning from the examples of those who have gone before us?
- Do we have a genuine hope that motivates us toward the future and informs our present choices?
- Are we actively showing love to those around us, reflecting God’s character and demonstrating our faith?
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts full of gratitude for Your faithfulness throughout history. By faith, we remember Your mighty works, especially the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Help us to trust deeply in Your promises and to draw strength from the examples of those who have gone before us. May our faith be a firm foundation, guiding us to live reverently and purposefully.
Lord, we look to the future with hope, confident in the return of Christ and the promise of eternal life. Let this hope purify and transform our lives, motivating us to persevere through present challenges. Teach us to set our minds on heavenly matters and to live righteously, anticipating the grace that will be revealed when Jesus comes again.
In the present moment, we seek to embody Your love. Fill our hearts with compassion, forgiveness, and generosity. Help us to serve others selflessly, reflecting Your love in all our actions. May our love be fervent and without complaint, covering a multitude of sins. Let it be the driving force behind everything we do, marking us as true disciples of Jesus.
During this Lenten season, we ask for Your guidance as we examine the balance of faith, hope, and love in our lives. Root us in faith, inspire us with hope, and ground us in love. May we always recognize Your faithfulness, be motivated by the hope of eternal life, and actively show love to those around us.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.
by Eron Henry | Mar 6, 2025 | Lent 2025
True life is found in serving God and caring for others. A life devoted to God is expressed through love, service, and a commitment to living righteously, not just through adherence to religious practices. This authentic life stands in stark contrast to a life focused on self-interest and worldly desires.
Serving God involves living in accordance with God’s will and striving for holiness in all aspects of life. This includes resisting temptation and the desires of the flesh, instead choosing a path of righteousness. It also means setting our minds on things above, seeking to live in a way that honors God, and recognizing that we are called to a higher purpose than the pursuit of worldly gain or pleasure. The call to holiness is not a call to legalism but rather to a life of love and service that is pleasing to God.
Caring for others is also an essential aspect of an authentic life. It is clear that love for God is intertwined with love for our neighbor, demonstrating that true faith is expressed through acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity. This care extends to those in need, including the poor, the marginalized, and the suffering. Serving others also includes acts of forgiveness, forbearance, and encouragement. A life lived authentically is a life that puts the needs of others before one’s own and seeks to build up the community of believers.
True joy and fulfillment are found not in self-seeking but in the act of giving and serving. A life dedicated to serving God and caring for others is a life of purpose and meaning. In contrast, a life focused on self is empty and ultimately unsatisfying. Authentic living requires a transformation of the heart and mind, a shift away from self-centeredness towards a focus on God and others.
Are we truly serving God with our whole hearts, or are we simply going through the motions? Are we actively seeking to love and serve others, or are we more concerned with our own comfort and convenience? Are we striving for holiness in all that we do, or are we allowing the desires of the flesh to control us? This is a time to repent of our self-centeredness, to recommit ourselves to serving God, and to embrace a life of love and service toward others. As we move through Lent and look towards Easter, we should seek to live more authentically, reflecting the very nature of Christ, who came not to be served but to serve. By doing so, we will discover the abundant life that God has promised.
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts open to Your will, seeking to live lives that are truly devoted to You. Help us to understand that true life is found in serving You and caring for others. May our devotion be expressed through love, service, and a commitment to living righteously, rather than merely adhering to religious practices.
Lord, guide us to live in accordance with Your will, striving for holiness in all aspects of our lives. Give us the strength to resist temptation and the desires of the flesh, choosing instead the path of righteousness. Help us to set our minds on things above, seeking to honor You in all that we do, and recognizing that we are called to a higher purpose than the pursuit of worldly gain or pleasure.
Holy Spirit, inspire us to care for others as an essential aspect of our authentic lives. Let our love for You be intertwined with love for our neighbors, demonstrated through acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity. May we extend our care to those in need, including the poor, the marginalized, and the suffering. Teach us to serve others with acts of forgiveness, forbearance, and encouragement, putting their needs before our own and building up the community of believers.
Lord, we know that true joy and fulfillment are found not in self-seeking but in the act of giving and serving. Help us to embrace a life dedicated to serving You and caring for others, finding purpose and meaning in this calling. Transform our hearts and minds, shifting our focus away from self-centeredness towards a focus on You and others.
As we move through this season of Lent and look towards Easter, may we seek to live more authentically, reflecting the very nature of Christ, who came not to be served but to serve. By doing so, may we discover the abundant life that You have promised.
In Your holy name, we pray.
by Eron Henry | Mar 5, 2025 | Lent 2025
Lent is a significant period in the Christian liturgical calendar, observed by many Christian traditions, including Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, and Baptists. It spans 40 days, beginning on Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week, which leads up to Easter Sunday/Resurrection Sunday. This period is marked by reflection, repentance, and preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful. These ashes, typically made from the burnt palms of the previous year’s Palm Sunday, symbolize mortality and repentance. The ritual phrase “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19) underscores the transient nature of human life and the need for spiritual renewal.
Lent is rooted in the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. During this time, Jesus faced temptation by Satan but emerged spiritually strengthened. Similarly, Christians are called to engage in practices of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving during Lent to deepen their faith and resist spiritual temptations.
Fasting during Lent traditionally involves abstaining from certain foods or meals, reflecting Jesus’ sacrifice and fostering self-discipline. Some persons fast from other practices or habits, such as purchases, entertainment, and in more modern times, social media and other forms of online engagement. Prayer is intensified, with many Christians participating in additional services or devotions. Almsgiving, or acts of charity, is also emphasized, encouraging believers to extend compassion and support to those in need.
Lent serves as a time of spiritual renewal and growth, inviting Christians to examine their lives, seek forgiveness, and commit to living more faithfully. It is a journey of transformation, leading to the joyous celebration of Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of eternal life.
This holy season calls for introspection and devotion, drawing believers closer to God and preparing them to celebrate the central mystery of the Christian faith: the resurrection of Christ.
Heavenly Father,
As we embark on this Lenten journey, we come before You with humble hearts, seeking Your grace and guidance. On this Ash Wednesday, we are reminded of our mortality and our need for repentance. Help us to remember that we are dust, and to dust we shall return.
Lord Jesus, just as You spent 40 days in the wilderness, fasting and resisting temptation, grant us the strength to follow Your example. May our fasting be a true sacrifice, drawing us closer to You and fostering self-discipline. Let our prayers be fervent and sincere, deepening our relationship with You and opening our hearts to Your will.
Holy Spirit, inspire us to acts of charity and compassion during this season. May we extend our hands to those in need, reflecting Your love and mercy in our actions. Transform our hearts, O Lord, and renew our spirits, that we may emerge from this Lenten season spiritually strengthened and ready to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior.
We ask for Your forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings. Cleanse us, renew us, and guide us on the path of righteousness. As we journey through Lent, help us to grow in faith, hope, and love, preparing us for the joyous celebration of Easter and the promise of eternal life.
In Your holy name, we pray.
by Eron Henry | Feb 9, 2025 | News
The Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention expresses profound concern over President Donald J. Trump’s recent decision to suspend the operations of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) worldwide. This action threatens to reverse decades of progress in global health, education, and poverty alleviation, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities.
The Global Impact of USAID
For more than six decades, USAID has been instrumental in implementing humanitarian and development programs across approximately 120 countries. Its initiatives have addressed critical issues such as health, education, clean water, and economic development. Notably:
- Health: USAID’s immunization programs have saved over 3 million lives annually. The agency has also been pivotal in combating HIV/AIDS through prevention education and training programs.
- Family Planning: More than 50 million couples worldwide have accessed family planning services as a direct result of USAID’s initiatives.
- Maternal and Child Health: Since 2008, USAID’s efforts in 25 priority countries have contributed to saving the lives of 4.6 million children and 200,000 women.
Consequences of the Suspension
The suspension of USAID’s operations is anticipated to have dire consequences:
- Health Crises: The halt in funding has already led to the closure of field hospitals in regions like Syria, leaving millions without essential medical aid.
- Educational Disruptions: In countries such as South Africa, Ghana, Mali, and Sudan, the freeze on aid has disrupted health services and education programs, adversely affecting vulnerable populations.
- Humanitarian Aid: Critical support for Venezuelan refugees in Colombia and other humanitarian efforts in South America are now in jeopardy due to the cessation of USAID activities.
Challenges for Humanitarian Organizations
The suspension presents significant challenges for organizations like Lott Carey, which has been responding to human needs for 127 years and is currently active in 13 countries, providing assistance in education, healthcare, advocacy, and capacity building. The abrupt withdrawal of USAID support places an immense burden on our resources and capacity to fill the void left behind.
While we remain steadfast in our commitment to serve, the scale of USAID’s operations is unparalleled. The suspension not only undermines ongoing projects but also threatens the lives of countless individuals who rely on these essential services.
A Call to Action
We urge the administration to reconsider this decision and recognize the invaluable role that USAID plays in fostering global stability and humanitarian aid. We also call upon the international community, partner organizations, and concerned citizens to advocate for the restoration of these critical services to prevent further suffering among the world’s most vulnerable populations.
In these challenging times, Lott Carey reaffirms its dedication to its mission and will continue to work tirelessly to support those in need, despite the obstacles presented by this suspension.
Emmett L. Dunn
Executive Secretary-Treasurer/CEO
Statement on the Suspension of USAID Services-PDF
by Eron Henry | Jan 24, 2025 | News
Date: March 20-21, 2025
Theme: Mission transforms the world for God through benevolence, inspired by Luke 10:25-37.
Host Church: Trinity Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio
Host Pastor: Dr. Victor M. Davis
Registration Fee: $135
Hotel Information & Reservation: Embassy Suites – Columbus, OH
Join us for the Lott Carey Spring Missions Conference 2025, a transformative event dedicated to exploring how mission work can change the world through acts of benevolence. Drawing inspiration from the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37, this conference will delve into the life transforming impact of compassion and service in our communities, churches and beyond.
Hosted by Trinity Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio, under the leadership of Dr. Victor M. Davis, this event promises to be a time of spiritual renewal, learning, and fellowship. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with inspiring speakers, participate in workshops, and connect with like-minded individuals committed to making a difference.
The registration fee for the conference is $135, which includes access to all sessions, materials and meals. For those traveling from out of town, accommodation is available at the Embassy Suites in Columbus, OH.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of a movement that seeks to transform the world through the power of God’s love and benevolence. We look forward to seeing you there!
by Eron Henry | Jan 14, 2025 | News
The Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention is excited to announce that it will lead a delegation to the Baptist World Congress, a global gathering of Baptist churches and members, scheduled for July 9-12, 2025, in Brisbane, Australia.
Hosted by the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), the Baptist World Congress is a landmark event held every five years, bringing together thousands of Baptists from around the globe for worship, fellowship, learning, and collaborative action. This year’s congress will focus on the themes of unity, mission, and responding to the challenges and opportunities facing the global Baptist family.
Lott Carey invites anyone interested in participating in this extraordinary event to join its delegation. Delegates will have the unique opportunity to connect with Baptists from more than 125 countries, experience vibrant worship, attend thought-provoking workshops, and engage in meaningful discussions on faith, service, and global impact.
Individuals or groups interested in joining the Lott Carey delegation are encouraged to contact the Lott Carey office for more information, including details about costs, travel, and accommodations.
Join us for this unforgettable experience as we unite with Baptists worldwide to celebrate faith, foster relationships, and work together for a brighter future.
Contact Information:
Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention
Phone: 301-429-3300
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