Lott Carey is Praying for Jamaica

Lott Carey is Praying for Jamaica

Pray for Jamaica

All are invited to join us in prayer for Jamaica and our partners in the Northern Caribbean island nation.
Lott Carey projects in Jamaica include support to community ministries and training

  • Skill Training
  • Theological scholarship for training of pastors and church leaders

TEM is grateful to Lott Carey for its funding
support of the Skills Training Centre which
provides assistance for administrative
management, support services and
maintenance support. Without this support
we simply would not be able to operate
–Karl Johnson, Chair and President
Trinity Evangelical Ministry, St. Mary, Jamaica

We pray for:
Lott Carey Mission Partners
§ Trinity Evangelical Ministry
The churches, people, and government of Jamaica

We are thankful for:

  • the natural beauty, climate, and distinctive cultural practices of this island
  • how churches have responded to disasters and served all in need
  • how liberation from colonialism and oppression has been pursued through music, words and actions
  • the leaders of the ecumenical movement who have come from this country.

We pray for:

  • those devastated by disasters, that their lives, communities and eco-systems might be rebuilt
  • the strengthening of all who faithfully witness through word and deed to the gospel
  • all those affected by crime and addictions
  • good governance and smooth transitions between political leaders.


Prayer from Jamaica:

Gracious and compassionate God,
faithful to all your promises,
supplier of our needs,
may we never underestimate
the value of all that you afford us;
nor the usefulness of the endowments you give
for the realization of your purposes.
May we never so take for granted
the gifts your bounteous grace provides
as to become victims of the callousness
that produces an abundance of waste.
And save us, we ask you, from becoming
purveyors of the careless and irresponsible disposal
of the waste we produce.

(© Rev. Neville Callam, Jamaica)
(Adapted from the World Council of Churches)

Lott Carey is Praying for Zimbabwe

Lott Carey is Praying for Zimbabwe

Pray For Zimbabwe

All are invited to join us in prayer for Zimbabwe and our partners in the Southern Africa nation.
Lott Carey projects in Zimbabwe include support to churches, pastors, and community ministries

  • Hunger Relief
  • Seed for farmers
  • Theological training for pastors
    and church leaders

“Lott Carey empowers us to offer
theological education in a way that is
fitting to our own context without
dictating to us. Our Lott Carey family has
enhanced our dignity and our ministry in
–Henry Mugabe, Professor, Zimbabwe
Theological Seminary

We pray for:
Lott Carey Mission Partners
§ Zimbabwe Theological Seminary
The churches, people, and government of Zimbabwe

We are thankful for:

  • the prophetic witness of churches to protest injustices and advocate good governance
  • efforts that have been made to stem the spread of HIV and AIDS and to
    treat those affected
  • economic progress that improves the lives of all
  • the iconic animals and minerals in this land and measures to protect
    them from being exploited.

We pray for:

  • fair election of a democratic government to counter instability, violence
    and human rights abuses
  • a stable economy that enables all people to prosper and live in justice
    and peace
  • effective measures to improve the health and life expectancy of all
  • the biodiversity and animals present in Zimbabwe, and measures to
    preserve them
  • the herders and farmers who continue to raise cattle and food, despite
    droughts and desertification.

Prayer from Zimbabwe:
Lord God,
we give you thanks for sending your only Son to give us life.
In the midst of wealth we are crushed by poverty,
and while we are offered Christ-life in all its fullness,
we are surrounded by disease, death and destruction.
We are tempted to despair, and yet keep hoping,
knowing that you care.

At times we weep silent tears, and cry out with deep emotion.
We come to you, our only hope and refuge.
Thank you for the gift of laughter,
even when the going is tough.
With you, O Lord, we may be troubled but not destroyed.

By Rev. Farai Chirisa, Zimbabwe
Courtesy of the World Council of Churches

Lott Carey is Praying for India

Lott Carey is Praying for India

Pray for India

All are invited to join us in prayer for India and our partners in the South
Asian nation. Lott Carey projects in India include support to churches, pastors, and community ministries

  • General health care for the poor
  • HIV and AIDS Awareness Program
  • Free medical care for leprosy patients and the indigent
  • Non-formal Education Projects in the states of Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
  • Four public schools affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education with 10,000 students
  • Church planting

“Partnering with Lott Carey Convention
gave our thoughts and aspirations a new
dimension. The much-needed prayer
support from different parts of the globe
reached and rejuvenated our humble
efforts in bringing the Love of Christ in
Action to the poor and needy of our
great country.”
–Thomas T. Roy, Superintendent, Lott
Carey Baptist Mission in India

We pray for:
Lott Carey Mission Partners
§ Lott Carey Baptist Mission, India
The churches, people, and government of India

We give thanks for:

  • the diversity of peoples: their cultures, values, and spirituality
  • for the resilience of minority religious groups and those on the margins of society such as indigenous communities, Dalits, women, youth, the disabled and sexual minorities, amid discrimination and persecution
  • for the contributions of Christians and Christian churches to education and health services and for their innovative attempts in contextualizing their worship, theology and institutional life
  • efforts to forge inter-religious solidarity for the sake of the common good.

We pray for:

  • those who struggle to overcome grinding poverty
  • Christians and others who selflessly work in the community, their efforts at ensuring the rights of all citizens, and their collaborative work
  • efforts to build understanding and harmony among peoples across religious, caste and ethnic identities
  • peoples’ movements struggling for the rights of women, Dalits, Indigenous peoples, and the integrity of the earth
  • leaders to keep priority on the wellbeing of the people and the earth itself amid demands for economic growth.

Prayer from India:
When everything around seems to be collapsing into injustice and chaos
Creator God, teach us to love you
and to recognize that you hold the earth gently in your hands.
When we do not know just what to do and where to turn,
teach us to trust your wisdom,
so that we can discern your presence in events around us.
When we become unforgiving and vindictive,
teach us to grasp your tenderness,
and forgive us for all we do wrong.
When violence, fear and hatred seem to overtake us,
teach us to receive your compassion,
and steer our lives in the ways of justice and peace.
When we think we can go it alone,
teach us to depend on your grace,
so that with patience and persistence we can transform the world.
But most of all,
teach us to appreciate your goodness,
for in you we have new life!

(Aruna Gnanadason, India, WCC coordinator for Justice, Peace and Creation)

Lott Carey is Praying for Guyana

Lott Carey is Praying for Guyana

Pray for Guyana

All are invited to join us in prayer for Guyana and our partners in the South
American/Caribbean nation.

Lott Carey projects in Guyana include support to churches, pastors, and
community ministries

  • A. Carlyle Miller Health Center
  • Camp Sommerville
  • Churches
  • Food distribution projects
  • Learning clubs

“2020-2021 has been wrought with very
unusual circumstances as we continue to
grapple with the lock downs and other
effects of COVID-19.”
–Brenda K. Harewood, Superintendent
Pastor, Guyana Missionary Baptist Church-Lott Carey

We pray for:
Lott Carey Mission Partners
§ Guyana Missionary Baptist Church-Lott Carey
The churches, people, and government of Guyana

We are thankful for:

  • The natural beauty
  • The abundance of natural resources
  • Diversity of people and cultures
  • Dedicated and sacrificial service of clergy

We pray for:

  • The strengthening of all who faithfully witness through word and deed to the gospel
  • Those devastated by recent floods, that their lives, communities, and eco-systems might be rebuilt
  • All affected by Covid-19 and other diseases
  • Employment opportunities for young people.
  • Political stability and the integrity of political leaders
  • End of systemic racism undermining the fabric of the nation
  • Unity in a divided nation
  • Social Justice.
  • Stop to police brutality meted out disproportional to people of African descent.
  • End to domestic violence
  • End to child abuse (734 children neglected, 585 were sexually assaulted, 446 physically abused, [January to June 2021]).
  • Resources to repair the Calvary Baptist church at Beterverwagting

Submitted by Rev. Brenda K. Harewood, Superintendent Pastor, Guyana
Missionary Baptist Church-Lott Carey

Lott Carey to support Hurricane Ida victims

Lott Carey to support Hurricane Ida victims

Lott Carey to support Hurricane Ida victims

The Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Society has committed to support victims of Hurricane Ida that landed on the United States Gulf Coast in late August.
Reaching peak intensity of 150 mph (240 km/h), Ida caused considerable damage and destruction in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi.
Significant damage was recorded in the French Quarter in New Orleans. Much of the city lost electricity due to downed transmission lines. Approximately one million people in Louisiana were left without power. Thousands lost their homes and are seeking shelter.
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said the damage was “catastrophic” and that officials believed the death toll “could rise considerably.”
Heavy rain and tornados associated with the hurricane caused loss of life and widespread destruction in the MidAtlantic and Northeast regions, including in Maryland and New York City.
Lott Carey, through its partnerships with churches and others, will provide much needed assistance, especially food, water, and shelter.
“Lott Carey was a lifeline to persons affected by Hurricane Katrina 16 years ago,” said Lott Carey Executive Secretary-Treasurer Emmett Dunn.
“We did the same for those affected by other hurricanes in the United States and elsewhere. We will minister to victims of Hurricane Ida in the same vein, expressing the love and compassion of Christ on the behalf of God’s people.”
Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed New Orleans and other cities in 2005. Lott Carey and its partners ran mobile kitchens and sent relief supplies. It offered job skills training, education assistance, as well as home construction to help hurricane victims get back on their feet.
“I appeal to churches, institutions, organizations and persons of goodwill to join Lott Carey in bringing relief, comfort, and hope to those in need,” said Rev. Dunn.
Donations may be made at https://lottcarey.org/donate. For additional information, email lottcarey@lottcarey.org.
Established in 1897, Lott Carey has networks in 27 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America.
Based in the Washington DC Metro Area, Lott Carey provides financial support and technical assistance in leadership development, education, training, healthcare, advocacy, disaster relief, and other services.

Rev. Eron Henry
Communications and Media Manager