Have you ever wondered how God can love us so much, even when we sin and disobey God? How can God be so patient and forgiving with us, when we often take God’s grace for granted? How can God care for each one of us, when there are billions of people in the world?

The answer is that God is infinite. God is not limited by time, space, or anything else. God is beyond our human understanding and imagination. God is the source of all that exists and sustains everything by God’s power. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

But how can we know this infinite God, who is so different from us? How can we relate to God and experience God’s love? The answer is that God reveals Godself to us through symbols taken from the finite. God uses things that we can see, hear, touch, and feel to communicate truth and grace to us. God uses creation, history, prophecy, poetry, stories, and most importantly, God’s Son Jesus Christ, to show us who God is and what God has done for us.

Jesus is the ultimate symbol of God’s infinite love. He is the Word made flesh, the image of the invisible God, the exact representation of God’s being. He is God in human form, who came to live among us, to teach us, to heal us, to die for us, and to rise again for us. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the bridge between the finite and the infinite, the mediator between God and humanity.

Through Jesus, we can know God personally and intimately. We can receive God’s forgiveness and salvation. We can enjoy God’s presence and peace. We can share God’s joy and hope. We can love and serve God. We can worship and praise God.


Lord, we bow before Your infinite love, which surpasses all understanding. It is vast like the heavens above and deep like the oceans below. You are the source of all creation, the sustainer of all life, and the guide of those who seek You. We acknowledge Your patience and forgiveness, especially when we falter and stumble, yet You remain steadfast in Your love for us.

We confess our sins and thank You for Your mercy, which is new every morning. We recognize that Your love is not based on our actions but on Your unfailing faithfulness. We are grateful for Your grace, which is sufficient for all our needs.

We marvel at Your revelation of Yourself through creation, history, and most notably, through Your Son, Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection are testaments to Your infinite love and the redemption You offer to all who believe in Him. Through Jesus, we find hope and the promise of eternal life.

We pray for Your divine intervention in our lives, seeking Your will to be done. May Your Spirit guide us in all our ways, leading us closer to You and helping us to reflect Your love to others. Grant us the wisdom to discern Your voice amidst the noise of the world, and the courage to follow where You lead.

May we embody Your love in our interactions with others, extending grace and kindness as You have extended it to us. Help us to be instruments of Your peace, spreading reconciliation and healing wherever we go.

In Your name, we pray. Amen.